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How Do I Get Unemployment Benefits

A job loss really makes you stressful, considering that you will probably go through financial uncertainty. Nevertheless, unemployment benefits can provide you with temporary income in difficult times. Do you know how to apply for unemployment?

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1. What Are Unemployment Benefits

Due to COVID-19, many workers may find themselves in worse financial conditions. Some even risk losing their jobs. If you find yourself at home and holding negative prospects towards the access to a job for the foreseeable future, unemployment benefits are one of the resources to help you out. After the stimulus bill, the federal government is directed to increase the average benefit check by $600 a week for 4 months.

2. Who Qualifies For Unemployment Benefits

Generally speaking, you will qualify for the benefits if you find yourself in one or several of the following situations:

Being prevented from working because of the temporarily halted operations due to COVID-19

Being quarantined, but intending to get back to work when your quarantine period is over

Leaving your place of employment due to the risk of infection

Leaving your place of employment because you have to care for a family member

Having had your hours reduced or being part-time workers

Starting a job but being laid off due to COVID-19, with insufficient work history to get benefits under normal circumstances

Belonging to a non-working family member relying on the income of the breadwinner who has died of coronavirus

3. How To Apply For Unemployment

Applying to your state of residence is a must. You can apply both online and over the phone. Applying online is the most recommended way in order to get your unemployment checks started. Websites are likely to be slow because of the sheer number of individuals who are applying for unemployment, so please be patient and wait a while.

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